Get to Know the Industry Movers, Shakers & Ground-Breakers
For those who help to promote, preserve and pass-on the desire for the best in vintage-industrial design & décor, this is for you. Whether it is for urban style artifacts, restored hardware, machine-age relics or old remnants of productions past, or any of the more-uncommon, industrial-style goods, you are in the right place. This section of our website, is all about finding and celebrating those who have anything to do with honoring or showcasing – the history of industrialization or urbanization here in America – or anything vintage or industrial that has had a meaningful impact on how we design for working, living and playing together. This is our shared heritage and shared interest, so we thank you.
Over the last 20 years, Get Back Inc has inherently garnered and worked with some of the bastions of the global design industry. We believe in forging alliances with like-minded designers, businesses-gurus and iconic brands who share in our passion for design, craftsmanship and quality.
The following are a collection of partners, influencers, and professionals who share in this passion for promoting, educating, and appreciating the unique differences and the great qualities that make the vintage-industrial & modern industrial style of design so spectacular, in all its forms.
Through these connections and partnerships, we are able to extend a number of services to our clients, from sourcing unique and exclusive hardware, rare woods and materials, antique curation and even rare collectables through to installation, maintenance and custom-builds, as well as How-To advisors and influencers who help promote change, create events, and so much more. Lastly, there’s space for listing out the industry-specific publishers and media giants who we see as fabulous supporters. You’ll notice a lot of our connections have to do with the restoration and preservation of our industrial heritage, and the education and awareness needed, because we believe in the importance of sharing this.
After almost a quarter of a century, our list of clientele is quite extensive. The list consists of some folks who wish to keep our working relationship a bit more-discrete (ie. celebrities, design-icons, top-professionals and boutique-firms alike), so most are NOT accessible through this list. We know what is expected of us at this level of private, bespoke service. Some of the ones that we are able to mention but not discuss, are listed. …Plus, no one is a big fan of name-dropping.
More importantly, we hope the following list of Movers & Shakers helps you explore and further appreciate the cool-world of vintage-industrial design. We believe all of the folks that are listed here, well they are the ones to watch! If you think you or your firm belongs on this list, please reach-out to us. We would love to talk with you. We aim to continue expanding our network of like-minded artisans, craftsmen, designers, …Ground-Breakers.
Studios & Firms
Builders & Contractors
Sources & Resources
Meg Ryan
Thierry Despont
Harvey Fierstein
Jimmy Kimmel
Daria Werbowy
Harry Heissmann
Nate Berkus
Jimmy Fallon
Bruce Springsteen
Vicente Wolfe
Rogan Gregory
Larry Janesky
Gregory Colbert
Warren Haynes
Duane Sorenson
Ry Cooder
Jon Stewart
Bruce Springsteen
Steve Zahn
Julie Taymor