The Art of Industrial
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Working Hard at Retail

get back inc

Get Back Inc has helped retailers of all sizes create more memorable and breathtaking shopping experiences. For over two decades, we’ve helped to bring the vintage-industrial style of design to retail, assisting our commercial clients all over the world, helping them to “stand-out”. We enjoy helping them beautifully showcase their products. Making their products the central-focus, by finding the perfect complimentary pieces (pieces that allow each product to be “front & center”). Where and when appropriate, we will pair each product (product line or category) with its own authentic, industrial artifact(s). These artifacts may have included custom-made modular shelving systems, or huge hanging, troth-style sinks, or old operating/service tables, or antique wooden catalog-cabinets (designed to hold thousands & thousands of organized index cards). They are all vintage “utilities” of some sort, all functional “works-of-art,” each one helping to sell and to tell a story, all at the same time.

Therein lies the key… aligning our goals with that of the retail design firms / interior designers, which is often all about supporting their “merchandising theme”, facilitating their “visual-storytelling”. Often crafted in such a way that it helps to create an atmosphere of comfort, security, respect, and sometimes… an appreciation for their brand’s history, or all about where their products were… yesteryear. The “theme or stories” are often very genuine, yet there’s a desire to build some intrigue, cultivate the attraction, through quality, original-design, and often its about using some of the finer things in life. To most designers, it’s all about drawing the shopper-in, by creating an immersive environment, by generating a desire to touch, to explore, to learn more, and ultimately… to purchase (own).

We understand a lot of these dynamics at retail and most of the challenges that brands face today. Retailers come to us looking for new and innovative ways to invite shoppers-in and to draw their attention inward, to their space and to their products. They’re often seeking solutions that help them to create “a more-unique experience,” an experience that helps their store/brand become the most-memorable place to shop, and to be the preferred-place to purchase from, and (if and when done right) also the most-popular place to talk-about (where consumers are proud to shop at, to talk about and to flaunt).

It’s been said by all the top retail strategists and industry gurus, “every brand needs to continuously look for smarter, more-effective ways in which to attract, engage, and connect (their products with their shoppers). Ultimately, they need to create that bonding moment, where the desire to purchase/own has been influenced in all the right ways.” That is where Great Design comes into play, and choosing THE RIGHT design & team can help to accomplish this. Everyday, we guide our clients, helping them benefit from making the proper selections (meaning design selections that fit their brand and their shopper, that help to create the type of experience that helps to attract, immerse, influence and …create that bond).

Get Back Inc. - Industrial Storage System (Patented)
Get Back Inc. – Industrial Storage System (Patented)

When something really “works” at retail, it’s often the result of quality work and because someone paid “attention to the details” (they didn’t “cut the corners”). As they say “You Get What You Pay For.” and we know sophisticated, loud stories, sometimes sell well, but so does simplicity. We also know, great design… always works, and it should always help to connect, and we firmly believe in the power of visual storytelling (especially at retail).

The vintage-industrial style of design has a powerful draw to it, a strong visual power, and real story-telling at its core, in its DNA. Perhaps it’s real power or draw, is it’s simple historical beauty. Which we believe, should be cherished, especially when it comes to some of the more well-defined and/or refined, remnants of our past. Meaning, those pieces that have a unique provenance or those that have any level of reputed or notable prominence (which is the beauty of vintage, of history, at its best). However, there’s a raw beauty to be found in a lot of the old, hardened and really used or even abused relics, especially the ones that have a certain rough & tough, charisma or character imbued in them (the perfect imperfections). And who doesn’t love the older, more-obvious historical pieces? Those old pieces that hint at helping, achieving or living “The American Dream” kind of story, or anything that visually says, portrays, hints at “Proud to be Made in America”! There’s even an growing intrigue to be found in the more-obscure, older American artifacts, those which have a mysterious origin to them (those which can evolve, craft their own fictitious-narrative, or create a biography fitting their theme).

That unique, visual storytelling has helped brands at retail for years, and when it’s vintage, its often distinctive and often worthy of remembering. It shouldn’t be any big surprise, that the vintage-industrial style of design has continued to grow in popularity. Because at it’s core, it’s very similar to all of us. As Americans, we enjoy looking back and appreciating the value of a hard-day’s work, or a good-day, earned. We take pride in what we do, and we often like to share in the wealth, and in the good that should be around us.

All of these are great qualities, and all have been helpful when creating unique brand/retail experiences. All designed to help work-hard and to help influence folks, in positive ways (even in today’s most competitive markets). To us, “Working-Hard at Retail” is all about the power to stand-out, to be memorable & to influence the sale! …and the right Vintage-Industrial styled pieces will do all of the above!

Watch Below – Get Back Inc. Modular Industrial Storage System