The Art of Industrial
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New England HOME Winter 2018 Issue Covers Get Back Inc

Lisa H. Speidel put together very flattering portraits of Get Back Inc and Peter Van Beckum in her “Wonders in Wood” piece for the Winter 2018 issue of New England HOME. In a short space she captures the heart of what we do. Describing Tim Byrne’s work she says, “In his capable (and creative) hands, a wooden gear pattern converts to a chandelier, a “Portelvator” machinist’s cart morphs into a bar cart, and a 1920s cast-iron crank engine hoist paired with a woven rattan Nanna Ditzel hanging egg chair becomes the chicest seat in town.”
Peter Van Beckum in his workshop
Peter Van Beckum was classically trained at the celebrated North Bennet Street School in Boston. Speidel writes, “He designs and makes exquisite commissioned pieces—tables, chairs, cupboards, headboards—many of which are reproductions or adaptations of eighteenth-century furniture.” Regarding his approach, Van Beckum states on his website that, “Whether I’m crafting a chair in the manner of Hepplewhite, a chest in the style of Greene & Greene or a dining table inspired by an Art Moderne antique, the authenticity of the process means the quality and character of the final piece are as true as the original’s.” Get Back Inc certainly shares that spirit and ethic of authenticity, quality, and faith to the original.